Copyright Policy

The information presented on THI — including information on microsites like MyHealthfinder, Healthy People, and Health Literacy Online — is in the public domain. This means it may be freely distributed and copied — but please include a link to our website and acknowledge THI as the source.

Some images on these sites are in the public domain and can be freely reused. These images generally include charts, tables, and graphs that represent government data sets. However, we also use illustrations, photographs, and other resources contributed or licensed by private sources, companies, or organizations that may be protected by copyright laws. If it’s not clear whether an image is in the public domain, please contact us for information about the source of the image in question.

You can’t use any materials that you download from THI and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (THI) to misrepresent the Agency or to imply that THI or HHS endorses any commercial or private product, service, or activity.

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